Thanks. I probably will do exactly like you suggested later on. But, those two 
lines have solved the problem I had and I can work on the actual program now. I 
can come back to the GUI later.

Here is what it looks like now:

On Friday, August 23, 2013 7:35:53 PM UTC-5, Lee Harr wrote:
> > That's the problem though. It is exactly how I want it in designer. It's
> > perfect as it is in designer when I preview it. Here is a screenshot of the
> > preview:
> That's not a preview. That's just the regular design view.
> (you can tell by the little dots in the background)
> You need to go to Form -> Preview... to see the actual preview.
> That said...
> 1.) You may want to ask your question on the PyQt mailing list. Though
> you are talking with the undisputed PyQt expert in Phil, there are more
> people on the other list who are familiar with PyQt and who may be willing
> to look more closely at your specific code.
> 2.) It may be that the examples you are looking at are not sufficient to
> help you with the situation you are in. For instance, I've written several
> programs using Designer and PyQt and I would recommend against
> using the pyuic method.
> When I first started with PyQt I also used pyuic and eventually I found
> the PyQt4.uic method works better for me.
> 3.) Layouts. You have to use them with Qt or you're going to have a
> bad time.
> Looking at your design, I would do something like ...
> - select the two buttons on the left and click "Lay Out Vertically"
> - select the two large white boxes and click "Lay Out Vertically"
> - put a vertical spacer underneath the red X button
> - select the red button and the spacer and click "Lay Out Vertically"
> - at this point you may need to resize and rearrange your three vertical
>    layouts so that they don't overlap and are in approximately the positions
>    that you want, then
> - select the main window and click "Lay Out Horizontally"
> Something along those lines would get you about to where you want
> to be. The form may not look _exactly_ the way you have it there, but
> it will be a more flexible design and nothing will be overlapping.


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