Well, the main reason for me asking this question here was because of
the Java/C#/Whatever developer in me craving for an Interface for the
container's items, and I noticed that I'm not alone in this. But I was
actually expecting the "We're all consenting adults, here", I guess I
just needed the confirmation :-)

Another reason for this question is that I read some people saying
they wouldn't use python for large projects, and they always point at
the lack of Interfaces as a concern. I actually disagree, but I can
see their point. What do you think?

>> Of course I don't want to check isistance(), I like duck typing, but
>> should I check if hasattr() and callable() before adding to the container?
>That won't tell you if the object has a quack() method but with
>incompatible semantics (e.g. wrong number or types of arguments).

Yeah, didn't think about that, it's kinda swimming upstream!
Definitely it is more hassle than it is worth.

>Do you believe that you can write code to catch every bug you might
>make? If so, you are naive and probably haven't spent much time
>programming yet :) And if not, then you must acknowledge that bugs
>WILL happen; therefore you will need to cope with them after the
>event. So rather than trying to prevent them all, just improve your
>means of coping, and you'll accomplish the same end with much less

Oh, no! I'm not that presumptuous (or naive)! But what do you mean by
"improve means of coping"? Do you know any article on the subject you
could point me?

>> Of course I don't want to check isistance(), I like duck typing, but
>> should I check if hasattr() and callable() before adding to the
>> container? What is the pythonic way to deal with it? Am I worrying too
>> much ;-)?

>Yes :-)

Well, thanks! :-) And thanks for the article.

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