On Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:09:22 AM UTC+3, Joe Junior wrote:
> While designing a simple library, I found myself asking a
> philosophical question: to check or not to check the parameter's
> interface?
Design by contract discipline says: do not.
> I think that, considering it is Python, the usual answer would be
> "no", but here is the situation that got me thinking:
> class Flock:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.ducks= []
>     def do_stuff(self):
>         for duck in self.ducks:
>             duck.quack()
> class Duck:
>     def quack(self):
>         #quack-quack
>         pass
> f = Flock()
> d = Duck()
> f.ducks.append(d)
> f.do_stuff()
> Ok, no big deal there, the problem is if the user forgets to implement
> the quack() method. The stack trace would complain that "duck.quack()"
> is wrong, but that can happen hundreds of lines after the user
> actually added the object to the Flock, and it can be hard to find out
> what is happening and which object is wrong.
> Of course I don't want to check isistance(), I like duck typing, but
> should I check if hasattr() and callable() before adding to the
> container? What is the pythonic way to deal with it? Am I worrying too
> much ;-)?
> Thanks,
> Joe


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