I capitalize "Free" to avoid confusing it with "free as in beer".

On Sunday, September 8, 2013 3:01:58 AM UTC, Ben Finney wrote:
> Aaron Martin <aaronspencermar...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Hi, I am thinking about getting a software but it requires python, so
> > that brought up a few questions. Is it safe do download python, and
> > does it come with spam or advertisements?
> Python is free software, meaning that every recipient is free to improve
> it and redistribute the result.
>     <URL:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software>
> Free software rarely has the problems you describe – spam and
> advertisements – and never has them for long, because those problems are
> quickly improved (by eradicating the annoying problem), and the improved
> version becomes what people share.
> > If it doesn't then should I get the latest version?
> The latest stable version is Python 3.3, and this version is strongly
> recommended for people who will be developing with Python.
> But you say that you are getting Python because you have some other
> program that requires Python. Which version of Python does it require?
> Download and install the latest version that is supported for the
> program you are wanting to use.
> > I mostly want to know if it is safe to download, because most of the
> > time downloading free stuff off the internet comes with spam and all
> > that, so I want to know if I can trust downloading it.
> Ah, your experience is with zero-cost non-free software. Non-free
> software is prone to have spam and advertisements, and many other
> problems that arise from disrespect for the recipient's freedom. So your
> caution is well advised.
> Know that free software respects your freedom, and Python is free
> software.
>     <URL:https://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software>
> Welcome, and good fortune to you in using Python!
> -- 
>  \     “I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.” —Steven |
>   `\                                                            Wright |
> _o__)                                                                  |
> Ben Finney


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