On Saturday, September 7, 2013 9:17:46 PM UTC-4, Aaron Martin wrote:
> Hi, I am thinking about getting a software but it requires python, so that 
> brought up a few questions. Is it safe do download python, and does it come 
> with spam or advertisements? If it doesn't then should I get the latest 
> version? I mostly want to know if it is safe to download, because most of the 
> time downloading free stuff off the internet comes with spam and all that, so 
> I want to know if I can trust downloading it.

Hope others find this article helpful and relevant:


A development testing company (Coverity) reports that the core Python platform 
has a very low number of source code defects and its developers effect repairs 
to known flaws very readily, as compared to other open-source projects.  I 
can't attest to the validity of the claim (one way or the other), but it is 
something worth noting....

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