On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 4:23:57 PM UTC-4, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 11/9/2013 10:26, Wanderer wrote:
> > How do I send the command 'Alt+D' to subprocess.PIPE?
> That's not a command, it's a keystroke combination.  And without knowing
> what RSConfig.exe is looking to get its keystrokes, it might not even be
> possible to feed it any keystrokes via the pipe.
> if the program does indeed use stdin, there's no portable encoding for
> Alt-D.  But if your program only runs on one particular platform, you
> might be able to find docs for that platform that explain it.
> >
> > My code is
> >
> > import subprocess
> > rsconfig = subprocess.Popen(["C:\Program 
> > Files\Photometrics\PVCam64\utilities\RSConfig\RSConfig.exe", 
> > ],stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
> That string will only work by accident.  You need to make it a raw
> string, or use forward slashes, or double them.  As it happens, with
> this PARTICULAR set of directories, you won't get into trouble with
> Python 2.7.3
> -- 
> DaveA

Thanks, I didn't know that. I thought there would be some \n \t kind of 
combination or a unicode string for all the key combinations on my keyboard.

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