On 2013-09-30, Franck Ditter <nob...@nowhere.org> wrote:
> In article <ba94102b-18b6-4850-ac85-032b0fe2f...@googlegroups.com>,
>  rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I touched upon these in two blog-posts:
>> 1. http://blog.languager.org/2013/06/functional-programming-invades.html
>> 2. http://blog.languager.org/2012/10/functional-programming-lost-booty.html
>> Also most programmers without an FP background have a poor
>> appreciation of the centrality of recursion in CS; see
>> http://blog.languager.org/2012/05/recursion-pervasive-in-cs.html
> Good approach of FP in Python, but two points make me crazy :
> 1. Tail recursion is not optimized. We are in 2013, why ? This
> is known technology (since 1960). And don't answer with "good
> programmers don't use recursion", this is bullshit.

If you've got a set of recursive functions with recursive calls
in tail-call position it's pretty easy to convert to a solution
that doesn't blow the stack. Converting to a while loop is
usually straightforward, or you try trampolining.

If the calls aren't in tail-call position then you wouldn't get
tail-call optimization from a language like scheme, either.

Getting calls in tail position is often the sticking point, and
tail-call optimization doesn't help with that.

I think the Python rationale also discusses how it would make
tracebacks harder to understand if stackframes could clobber each
other. Personally I think that's more a theoretical than a
practical problem. Languages with tail-call optimization aren't
impossible to debug.

> 2. Lambda-expression body is limited to one expression. Why ?
> Why the hell those limitations ? In this aspect, Javascript has
> a cooler approach.

It's in the Design and History FAQ.


    Why can’t lambda forms contain statements?

    Python lambda forms cannot contain statements because
    Python’s syntactic framework can’t handle statements nested
    inside expressions. However, in Python, this is not a serious
    problem. Unlike lambda forms in other languages, where they
    add functionality, Python lambdas are only a shorthand
    notation if you’re too lazy to define a function.

    Functions are already first class objects in Python, and can
    be declared in a local scope. Therefore the only advantage of
    using a lambda form instead of a locally-defined function is
    that you don’t need to invent a name for the function – but
    that’s just a local variable to which the function object
    (which is exactly the same type of object that a lambda form
    yields) is assigned!

What I usually end up with is a dictionary of callbacks, with the
simple functions defined in-line and the more complex functions
defined just before that and referenced instead.

Neil Cerutti

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