Op 01-10-13 01:14, Νίκος schreef:
> Στις 1/10/2013 1:56 πμ, ο/η Chris Angelico έγραψε:
>> But what you're doing
>> is charging your customers while you learn the very basics.
> I designed their websites and they are up and running.
> Yes i have charged some money, but they gain what they paid for, a
> running website, all of them.
> So, its not like i'm ripping off someone here.

Yes you are. People don't just pay for a running website, with "running"
meaning some vague: "is mostly accesible." People pay for some kind of
guaranteed uptime. Since you don't have the skills to deliver that
guarantee, you are in fact ripping them off.

Antoon Pardon

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