esmaspäev, 7. oktoober 2013 4:27.44 UTC+3 kirjutas Piet van Oostrum:
> writes:
> >  problem is : Traceback (most recent call last): 
> >   File "C:\Users\Marko\Desktop\\XOR", line 35, in 
> > <module> 
> >     print("Key-" + str(võti) + ": " + str("".join(tulemus2))) 
> > TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, bytes found 
> >
> > If i  take away the join command i get this:
> >  Key-00000000: [b'u', b'o', b'\x00', b'\x1d', b' ', b'|', b'N', b'\x0f', 
> > b'9', b'j', b'K', b'J', b'&', b'#', b'A', b'K', b'5', b'k', b'_', b'\x1e', 
> > b',', b'j', b'\x0c', b'\x08', b'i', b'(', b'\x06', b'\\', b'r', b'3', 
> > b'\x1f', b'V', b's', b'9', b'\x1d'] 
> >
> > the Key-00000000 is the key im using to decrypt the code. everything else 
> > is generated by the decrytion process and the unhexlify command. So my 
> > guess is, the join command cant handle the b"u" type of format. how can i 
> > get rid of the b. 
> >
> > Or does anyone have a better idea how to translate HEX into ASCII and sort 
> > out the lines that make sense
> Why do you post the same question twice under different subjects?
> -- 

Because i was told so, cause the subject change so it cant be under there 

This is the code i came up with:
from teisendaja import *
from operator import *
import binascii

teisendus = teisendus()
kood = input("Kood: ")
key = input("Võti: ")

chunksize = 2
vastus = [teisendus.teisendus3(16,2,kood[i: (i + chunksize)]) for i in range(0, 
vastus = ["0"*(8-len(x)) + x for x in vastus]
#key = teisendus.teisendus3(10,2,int(key))
getBin = lambda x, n: x >= 0 and str(bin(x))[2:].zfill(n) or "-" + 

def dekrüpteeria(vastus, key):
    XOR = []
    tulemus = []
    for i in range(len(vastus)):
        for j in range(8):
            XOR.append(str(ixor(int(vastus[i][j]), int(key[j]))))
        key = "".join(XOR)
        XOR = []
    return tulemus

tulemus2= []
if key == "":
    for i in range(256):
        võti = getBin(i,8)
        tulemus = [teisendus.teisendus3(2,16,i) for i in dekrüpteeria(vastus, 
        tulemus = ["0"*(2-len(x)) + x for x in tulemus]
       # for j in range(len(tulemus)):
        print("Key-" + str(võti) + ": " + str(tulemus2))
        tulemus2 = []
#tulemus = [teisendus.teisendus3(2,16,i) for i in dekrüpteeria(vastus, key)]


Although this is quite ugly atm. But it serves me well, until i reach the 
unhexlify part. The number and lette r string at the wery end is the mesage im 
trying to decypher. 

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