Den onsdagen den 30:e oktober 2013 kl. 20:18:30 UTC+1 skrev Mark Lawrence:
> On 30/10/2013 19:01, wrote:
> >
> > And your still a stupid monkey i dare you to go test your IQ.
> >
> It's you're as in you are and not your as in belongs to me.
> I have no intention of getting my IQ tested, but I do know that it's a 
> minimum of 120 as that was required for me to pass the old UK 11+ 
> examination.  Given that I spent my time at a grammar school in the top 
> stream I'd guess that my IQ is actually higher, but there you go.
> Not that that really matters.  What does is that I'm smart enough to be 
> able to follow a set of instructions when requested to do so, for 
> example I could probably follow these 
> if I needed to.  I'm 
> therefore assuming that you're not bright enough to follow these 
> instructions and so have annoyed thousands of people with your double 
> spaced crap, which I've again snipped.
> -- 
> Python is the second best programming language in the world.
> But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer
> Mark Lawrence

I do not follow instructions, i make them accesible to anyone. And you just 
following them is a clear example to your lack of IQ.

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