Posted by E.D.G. on October 31, 2013

The following are several relatively basic questions regarding Python's capabilities. I am not presently using it myself. At the moment a number of people including myself are comparing it with other programs such as XBasic for possible use.

1. How fast can Python do math calculations compared with other languages such as Fortran and fast versions of Basic. I would have to believe that it is much faster than Perl for doing math calculations.

2. Can Python be used to create CGI programs? These are the ones that run on Internet server computers and process data submitted through Web site data entry screens etc. I know that Perl CGI programs will do that.

3. If Python can be used for CGI programming, can it draw charts such as .png files that will then display on Web pages at a Web site?

4. How well does Python work for interactive programming. For example, if a Python program is running on a PC and is drawing a chart, can that chart be modified by simply pressing a key while the Python program is running. I have Perl and Gnuplot program combinations that can do that. Their interactive speed is not that great. But it is adequate for my own uses.

5. Can a running Python program send information to the Windows operating system as if it were typed in from the keyboard? Perl can do that and I would imagine that Python probably has that same capability.


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