On 31/10/2013 13:17, Alain Ketterlin wrote:
"E.D.G." <edgrs...@ix.netcom.com> writes:

       The calculation speed question just involves relatively simple
math such as multiplications and divisions and trig calculations such
as sin and tan etc.

These are not "simple" computations.

Any compiled language (Fortran, C, C++, typically) will probably go much
faster than any interpreted/bytecode-based language (like python or
perl, anything that does not use a jit).

From http://docs.python.org/3/library/math.html "CPython implementation detail: The math module consists mostly of thin wrappers around the platform C math library functions."

There's only one way I know of to find if it's actually fast enough and that's test it.

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


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