Op 02-11-13 21:19, Tim Roberts schreef:
> jonas.thornv...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I certainly do not like the old bracket style it was a catastrophe, but 
>> in honesty the gui editor of python should have what i propose, a parser
>> that indent automaticly at loops, functions and end.
> Many editors do that.  Vim, which is what I use, certainly does.
>> I promise you it will save millions of hours of bug searching all over 
>> world in a month.
> I suspect you meant "dozens" rather than "millions"...
> Look, both schemes have their pitfalls.  With an "end" requirement, it's
> easy to have code where the indenting doesn't match the actual nesting, and
> that causes human confusion.

Not really. All examples of this kind of confusion I have seem come from
C where the problem IMO comes from the fact that people can choose to put
one statement after a control structure or a block.

I have programmed sometime in modula2 and this mismatch was just not a
big deal in that language because such a mismatch usualy resulted in
an end missing and the code not compiling, which resolves the confusion
rather quickly.

Now of course I can mis something. Maybe you can provide an example that
would be confusing even with modula2 kind of control structures and still
compile and produce a hard to trace bug.

Antoon Pardon

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