Op 08-11-13 14:57, Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος schreef:
> Στις 8/11/2013 3:30 μμ, ο/η Mark Lawrence έγραψε:
>> On 08/11/2013 10:00, Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος wrote:
>>> I have never exposed my client's data. Prove otherwise.
>> If your site has successfully been hacked *TWICE* then by definition
>> your clients data has been exposed.  Didn't you also hand out your
>> password, that's really secure, isn't it?
>>> The only legal action that will happen will take place in your
>>> Asperger's Syndrome sick imagination.
>> I must be winning as you've now had to resort to insults.  I assume that
>> you're jealous because my "Asperger Syndrome sick" mind knows what
>> "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable" actually means.  You
>> couldn't work it out despite Steven D'Aprano literally spelling it out
>> in words of one syllable or less.
> Of course i know what it means. It says it clearly.
> An object returned None as a result, and None is not something we can
> iterate upon. My question was actually referring to the reason of that
> object being empty instead of holding value(s) within it. It was more of
> a supreise that it didn't return back any data.

Yet reading the documentation of fetchone, would have informed you of
the reason and removed the surprise. Reading that documentation would
also have taken a minute at most. Yet instead of reading the
documentation and be informed within five minutes, you chose to waste
your time by repeatly coming here in the hope that someone would
spoon feed you. Even when you should know by now that people here
are getting less and less inclined to do so.

The way you behave looks like you are doing it purposeful in a way that
is least likely to be fruitful.

Antoon Pardon.

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