On 30Nov2013 14:25, pec...@pascolo.net <pec...@pascolo.net> wrote:
> Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> > [NNTP] clients provide full-fledged editors
>    and conversely full-fledged editors provide
>    NNTP clients

  GNU Emacs is a LISP operating system disguised as a word processor.
        - Doug Mohney, in comp.arch

Sorry, could not resist. I am, of course, a vi user.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

[...] look at yourself and, while you're at it, drag your eyes over some of
your mates who also ride bikes. They are doers, are they not, and what of the
rest of the population, that tragic ants nest of ever so busy bodies who
scurry from nest to work and back to the nest again at night, to recharge
themselves for another day of spirit-crushing toil? They are the watchers.
        - Sanford, REVS, 23dec93

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