Le vendredi 20 décembre 2013 18:52:44 UTC+1, Martin Schöön a écrit :
> This thread hasn't been close to Python for while now and should
> be shut down. But, it is actually kind of interesting since you 
> debate possible mechanisms behind the behaviour of my Windows box 
> at work: "Not responding" is happening to me daily for any
> application including Microsoft's own Office Suite. I hoped it
> would go away when we moved from Vista to W7 but it didn't.
> In all fairness, our computers have both corporate and HP crapware
> installed so Microsoft may be innocent.
> Coming from many years of SUN Solaris experience I may be a bit
> spoiled when it comes to robustness :-)
> Now, let's leave this behind and spend time on Python -- something I
> with a formal programming education dating back to 1980 and F77 find
> fascinating.

The fact, that a main app window [%] falls in a "Ne répond pas",
("Not responding") state [*] with a mouse pointer becoming a
"waiting pointer" is not so dramatic. As I pointed, despite
this message in the title bar, the app works properly(?).

The fact, that system becomes "unstable" is more critical.
While being in that [*]-state, any attempt to work with
the mouse, eg clicking on an another app window, leads
to a [%] kill and to a msg box "Python has stopped working...".

The Python process can be killed, it does not hurt the system.

I'm observing this with the Qt-derivatives, PySide and PyQt4,
and Python 3.3. Not with Python 3.2.
>From where does it come from? No idea. I'm inclined to
think, it's on the Qt side.

Windows 7 pro



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