On 1/24/2014 7:34 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 10:38 AM, bob gailer <bgai...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 1/24/2014 5:05 AM, theguy wrote:

I have a science project that involves designing a program which can
examine a bit of text with the author's name given, then figure out who the
author is if another piece of example text without the name is given. I so
far have three different authors in the program and have already put in the
example text but for some reason, the program always leans toward one
specific author, Suzanne Collins, no matter what insane number I try to put
in or how much I tinker with the coding. I would post the code, but I don't
know if it's fine to put it here, as it contains pieces from books. I do
believe that would go against copyright laws.

AFAIK copyright laws apply to reproducing something for profit. I doubt that
posting it here will matter.

Incorrect; posting not-for-profit can still be a violation of
copyright. But as Peter said, the text itself isn't critical. Post
with placeholder text, as he suggested, and we can look at the code.

In the US, short quotations are allowed for 'fair use'.

Terry Jan Reedy


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