Alright. I have the code here. Now, I just want to note that the code was not 
designed to work "quickly" or be very well-written. It was rushed, as I only 
had a few days to finish the work, and by the time I wrote the program, I 
hadn't worked with Python (which I never had TOO much experience with anyways) 
for a while. (About a year, maybe?) It was a bit foolish to take up the 
project, but here's the code anyways:

#D.J. Machale - Pendragon
#Pendragon: Book Six - The Rivers of Zadaa
#Page 98
#The sample sentences for this author. I put each sentence into a seperate 
variable because I knew no other way to divide the sentence. I also removed 
spaces so they wouldn't be counted.
djmachale_1 = 'WheretonowIaskedLoor'
djmachale_2 = 'ToaplacewherewewillnotbedisturbedbyBatuorRokadorsheanswered'
djmachale_3 = 
djmachale_4 = 
djmachale_5 = 
djmachale_6 = 
djmachale_7 = 'WhathappenedhereAlderasked'
djmachale_8 = 'ThereisalottotellLooranswered'
djmachale_9 = 'Later'
djmachale_10 = 'Alderacceptedthat'
djmachale_11 = 'Hewasaneasyguy'
djmachale_12 = 
djmachale_13 = 
djmachale_14 = 
djmachale_15 = 
djmachale_16 = 
djmachale_17 = 
djmachale_18 = 
djmachale_19 = 
djmachale_20 = 'Nowtheplatformwasempty'

#djmwords contains the amount of words in each sentence
#djmwords_total is the total word count between all the samples
djmwords = [6, 15, 22, 17, 26, 29, 5, 8, 1, 3, 5, 19, 25, 18, 16, 17, 20, 25, 
18, 5]
djmwords_total = sum(djmwords)
avgWORDS_per_SENTENCE_DJMACHALE = (djmwords_total/20)

#Each variable becomes the total number of letters in each sentence
djmachale_1 = len(djmachale_1)
djmachale_2 = len(djmachale_2)
djmachale_3 = len(djmachale_3)
djmachale_4 = len(djmachale_4)
djmachale_5 = len(djmachale_5)
djmachale_6 = len(djmachale_6)
djmachale_7 = len(djmachale_7)
djmachale_8 = len(djmachale_8)
djmachale_9 = len(djmachale_9)
djmachale_10 = len(djmachale_10)
djmachale_11 = len(djmachale_11)
djmachale_12 = len(djmachale_12)
djmachale_13 = len(djmachale_13)
djmachale_14 = len(djmachale_14)
djmachale_15 = len(djmachale_15)
djmachale_16 = len(djmachale_16)
djmachale_17 = len(djmachale_17)
djmachale_18 = len(djmachale_18)
djmachale_19 = len(djmachale_19)
djmachale_20 = len(djmachale_20)

#DJMACHALE_TOTAL is the total letter count between all the samples
DJ_Machale = [djmachale_1, djmachale_2, djmachale_3, djmachale_4, djmachale_5, 
djmachale_6, djmachale_7, djmachale_8, djmachale_9, djmachale_10, djmachale_11, 
djmachale_12, djmachale_13, djmachale_14, djmachale_15, djmachale_16, 
djmachale_17, djmachale_18, djmachale_19, djmachale_20]


#Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games
#The Hunger Games
#Page 103
suzannecollins_1 = 
suzannecollins_2 = 
suzannecollins_3 = 'ThedoorsslidetogetherandIzipupward'
suzannecollins_4 = 
suzannecollins_5 = 
suzannecollins_6 = 'ThenIreallybegintosob'
suzannecollins_7 = 'NowIvedoneit'
suzannecollins_8 = 'NowIveruinedeverything'
suzannecollins_9 = 
suzannecollins_10 = 'Whatwilltheydotomenow'
suzannecollins_11 = 'Arrestme'
suzannecollins_12 = 'Executeme'
suzannecollins_13 = 
suzannecollins_14 = 'WhatwasIthinkingshootingattheGamemakers'
suzannecollins_15 = 
suzannecollins_16 = 'Iwasnttryingtokilloneofthem'
suzannecollins_17 = 'IfIweretheydbedead'
suzannecollins_18 = 'Ohwhatdoesitmatter'
suzannecollins_19 = 'ItsnotlikeIwasgoingtowintheGamesanyway'
suzannecollins_20 = 'Whocareswhattheydotome'

suzcwords = [19, 19, 8, 16, 6, 4, 4, 20, 7, 2, 2, 19, 8, 18, 8, 6, 5, 11, 7]
suzcwords_total = (19+19+8+16+6+4+4+20+7+2+2+19+8+18+8+6+5+11+7)
avgWORDS_per_SENTENCE_SUZANNECOLLINS = (suzcwords_total/20)

suzannecollins_1 = len(suzannecollins_1)
suzannecollins_2 = len(suzannecollins_2)
suzannecollins_3 = len(suzannecollins_3)
suzannecollins_4 = len(suzannecollins_4)
suzannecollins_5 = len(suzannecollins_5)
suzannecollins_6 = len(suzannecollins_6)
suzannecollins_7 = len(suzannecollins_7)
suzannecollins_8 = len(suzannecollins_8)
suzannecollins_9 = len(suzannecollins_9)
suzannecollins_10 = len(suzannecollins_10)
suzannecollins_11 = len(suzannecollins_11)
suzannecollins_12 = len(suzannecollins_12)
suzannecollins_13 = len(suzannecollins_13)
suzannecollins_14 = len(suzannecollins_14)
suzannecollins_15 = len(suzannecollins_15)
suzannecollins_16 = len(suzannecollins_16)
suzannecollins_17 = len(suzannecollins_17)
suzannecollins_18 = len(suzannecollins_18)
suzannecollins_19 = len(suzannecollins_19)
suzannecollins_20 = len(suzannecollins_20)

Suzanne_Collins = [suzannecollins_1, suzannecollins_2, suzannecollins_3, 
suzannecollins_4, suzannecollins_5, suzannecollins_6, suzannecollins_7, 
suzannecollins_8, suzannecollins_9, suzannecollins_10, suzannecollins_11, 
suzannecollins_12, suzannecollins_13, suzannecollins_14, suzannecollins_15, 
suzannecollins_16, suzannecollins_17, suzannecollins_18, suzannecollins_19, 


#Richard Peck - The Last Safe Place on Earth
#The Last Safe Place on Earth
#Page 1-2

richardpeck_1 = 'HalloweensaweekandahalfawayHomecomingtheweekendafter'
richardpeck_2 = 
richardpeck_3 = 'ImseeinggirlseverywhereIlooksomeofthemrealmostnot'
richardpeck_4 = 
richardpeck_5 = 'Iseealotofgirlsthisfall'
richardpeck_6 = 'Imnotobsessed'
richardpeck_7 = 'Imintenthgrade'
richardpeck_8 = 'SoIwascominghomeonfoot'
richardpeck_9 = 'Therewereacoupleofbooksinmybackpack'
richardpeck_10 = 
richardpeck_11 = 
richardpeck_12 = 
richardpeck_13 = 
richardpeck_14 = 
richardpeck_15 = 
richardpeck_16 = 'Itwasared-and-goldworldwithpurpleeveningcomingon'
richardpeck_17 = 
richardpeck_18 = 'Weusedtoliveinthewesternsuburbs'
richardpeck_19 = 
richardpeck_20 = 'Thegangsweremovinginsowemovedout'

richwords = [11, 36, 12, 17, 8, 3, 4, 7, 9 , 17, 19, 17, 17, 14, 15, 12, 18, 9, 
23, 9]
richwords_total = (11+36+12+17+8+3+4+7+9+17+19+17+17+14+15+12+18+9+23+9)
avgWORDS_per_SENTENCE_RICHARDPECK = (richwords_total/20)

richardpeck_1 = len(richardpeck_1)
richardpeck_2 = len(richardpeck_2)
richardpeck_3 = len(richardpeck_3)
richardpeck_4 = len(richardpeck_4)
richardpeck_5 = len(richardpeck_5)
richardpeck_6 = len(richardpeck_6)
richardpeck_7 = len(richardpeck_7)
richardpeck_8 = len(richardpeck_8)
richardpeck_9 = len(richardpeck_9)
richardpeck_10 = len(richardpeck_10)
richardpeck_11 = len(richardpeck_11)
richardpeck_12 = len(richardpeck_12)
richardpeck_13 = len(richardpeck_13)
richardpeck_14 = len(richardpeck_14)
richardpeck_15 = len(richardpeck_15)
richardpeck_16 = len(richardpeck_16)
richardpeck_17 = len(richardpeck_17)
richardpeck_18 = len(richardpeck_18)
richardpeck_19 = len(richardpeck_19)
richardpeck_20 = len(richardpeck_20)

Richard_Peck = [richardpeck_1, richardpeck_2, richardpeck_3, richardpeck_4, 
richardpeck_5, richardpeck_6, richardpeck_7, richardpeck_8, richardpeck_9, 
richardpeck_10, richardpeck_11, richardpeck_12, richardpeck_13, richardpeck_14, 
richardpeck_15, richardpeck_16, richardpeck_17, richardpeck_18, richardpeck_19, 


example1 = 
example2 = 'WedlostbutitwascloseandC.E.andIwentbacktotheDracula'
example3 = 'Itwasgettinglatewhenthephonerang'
example4 = 'DeepinhispopcornworldDaddidntanswerit'
example5 = 'Ipickedupinthedenanditwasawoman'
example6 = 'IwavedatC.E.toturndownthesoundsbecausethewomanwascrying'
example7 = 'Whoisthis'
example8 = 'ItwasMrsCunningham'
example9 = 'Icantfindmydaughtershesaid'
example10 = 'IcantfindPace'
example11 = 'SheshereIsaid'
example12 = 'Shesupstairswithmysister'
example13 = 'AmomentofsilencethenandMrsCunninghamsvoiceshuddered'
example14 = 'IssheYoutellhertostayrightthereImcomingover'
example15 = 'SoweneverdidseehowtheDraculafilmended'
example16 = 'HeyPaceIsaidupthestairs'
example17 = 'Yourmomscomingover'
example18 = 'ThisbroughteverybodytothefronthallPacefirst'
example19 = 'DianawasbehindherandMominherrobeandMarnieinherpajamas'
example20 = 'BeforeDrandMrsCunninghamgothereDadwasinthefronthalltooinhisapron'

examplewords = [25, 15, 8, 9, 11, 14, 3, 4, 6, 4, 4, 5, 10, 7, 4, 9, 14, 17]
examplewords_total = sum(examplewords)
avgWORDS_per_SENTENCE_EXAMPLE = (examplewords_total/20)

example1 = len(example1)
example2 = len(example2)
example3 = len(example3)
example4 = len(example4)
example5 = len(example5)
example6 = len(example6)
example7 = len(example7)
example8 = len(example8)
example9 = len(example9)
example10 = len(example10)
example11 = len(example11)
example12 = len(example12)
example13 = len(example13)
example14 = len(example14)
example15 = len(example15)
example16 = len(example16)
example17 = len(example17)
example18 = len(example18)
example19 = len(example19)
example20 = len(example20)

example = [example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6, 
example7, example8, example9, example10, example11, example12, example13, 
example14, example15, example16, example17, example18, example19, example20]

avgLETTERS_per_WORD_EXAMPLE = (EXAMPLE_TOTAL/examplewords_total)

#Tests for similarities and prints (displays) the author whom the program 
believes to have written the example text

#I used a scoreboard system of sorts to determine which author was most similar 
to the example. Each time the program finds a match to one in each of the 
tests, it adds a point to that author here.
DJMachalePossibility = 0
SuzanneCollinsPossibility = 0
RichardPeckPossibility = 0

#Matches average letters/sentence in example with most likely author
#I attempted to find the closest value by subtracting the example's value from 
each of the authors. The author with the smallest distance from the example 
would be marked up one point.




avgLPS_Match = min(LPS_Comparisons)

if avgLPS_Match == avgLPS_DJ_EXAMPLE:
    DJMachalePossibility = (DJMachalePossibility+1)

if avgLPS_Match == avgLPS_SUZC_EXAMPLE:
    SuzanneCollinsPossibility = (SuzanneCollinsPossibility+1)

if avgLPS_Match == avgLPS_RICH_EXAMPLE:
    RichardPeckPossibility = (RichardPeckPossibility+1)

#Matches average words/sentence in example with most likely author 




avgWPS_Match = min(WPS_Comparisons)

if avgWPS_Match == avgWPS_DJ_EXAMPLE:
    DJMachalePossibility = (DJMachalePossibility+1)

if avgWPS_Match == avgWPS_SUZC_EXAMPLE:
    SuzanneCollinsPossibility = (SuzanneCollinsPossibility+1)

if avgWPS_Match == avgWPS_RICH_EXAMPLE:
    RichardPeckPossibility = (RichardPeckPossibility+1)

#Matches average letters/word in example with most likely author




avgLPW_Match = min(LPW_Comparisons)

if avgLPW_Match == avgLPW_DJ_EXAMPLE:
    DJMachalePossibility = (DJMachalePossibility+1)

if avgLPW_Match == avgLPW_SUZC_EXAMPLE:
    SuzanneCollinsPossibility = (SuzanneCollinsPossibility+1)

if avgLPW_Match == avgLPW_RICH_EXAMPLE:
    RichardPeckPossibility = (RichardPeckPossibility+1)

AUTHOR_SCOREBOARD = [DJMachalePossibility, SuzanneCollinsPossibility, 

#The author with the most points on them would be considered the program's 


if Match == DJMachalePossibility:
    print "The author should be D.J. Machale."

if Match == SuzanneCollinsPossibility:
    print "The author should be Suzanne Collins."

if Match == RichardPeckPossibility:
    print "The author should be Richard Peck."

Hopefully, there won't be any copyright issues. Like someone said, this should 
be fair use. The problem I'm having is that it always gives Suzanne Collins, no 
matter what example is put in. I'm really sorry that the code isn't very clean. 
Like I said, it was rushed and I have little experience. I'm just desperate for 
help as it's a bit too late to change projects, so I have to stick with this. 
Also, if it's of any importance, I have to be able to remove or add any of the 
"average letters per word/average letters per sentence/average words per 
sentence things" to test the program at different levels of strictness. I would 
GREATLY appreciate any help with this. Thank you!

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