On 2014.01.29 23:56, Jessica Ross wrote:
> I found something like this in a StackOverflow discussion.
>>>> def paradox():
> ...     try:
> ...             raise Exception("Exception raised during try")
> ...     except:
> ...             print "Except after try"
> ...             return True
> ...     finally:
> ...             print "Finally"
> ...             return False
> ...     return None
> ... 
>>>> return_val = paradox()
> Except after try
> Finally
>>>> return_val
> False
> I understand most of this.
> What I don't understand is why this returns False rather than True. Does the 
> finally short-circuit the return in the except block?
My guess would be that the interpreter doesn't let the finally block get 
skipped under any circumstances, so the return value gets set to
True, but then it forces the finally block to be run before returning, which 
changes the return value to False.

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