Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> writes:

I do not have any information on the topic, but I *imagine* that the
when RETURN_VALUE opcode is evaluated within the context of an except
block, it triggers a check for whether a corresponding finally block
exists and should it exist, it is triggered, much like a callback.
So, my *imaginary* algorithm works like this:

  if within an except block EB:
    if EB has a correspoinding final block FB
      run FB
      do return
    do return

In Jessica's example, as the finally block executes a RETURN_VALUE
opcode, and as this is *probably* a jump to the caller, the rest of the
code does not get a chance to be executed.

As I have said earlier, I by no means assert the truth of this idea I've
explained here, but it seems quite reasonable to me.


> On 1/30/2014 7:05 AM, Dave Angel wrote:
>>   Jessica Ross <deathwea...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:
>>> I found something like this in a StackOverflow discussion.
>>>>>> def paradox():
>>> ...     try:
>>> ...             raise Exception("Exception raised during try")
>>> ...     except:
>>> ...             print "Except after try"
>>> ...             return True
>>> ...     finally:
>>> ...             print "Finally"
>>> ...             return False
>>> ...     return None
>>> ...
>>>>>> return_val = paradox()
>>> Except after try
>>> Finally
>>>>>> return_val
>>> False
>>> I understand most of this.
>>> What I don't understand is why this returns False rather than True. Does 
>>> the finally short-circuit the return in the except block?
>> The finally has to happen before any return inside the try or the
>>   except.  And once you're in the finally clause you'll finish it
>>   before resuming the except clause.  Since it has a return,  that
>>   will happen before the other returns. The one in the except block
>>   will never get reached.
>> It's the only reasonable behavior., to my mind.
> Checking with the disassembled code, it appears that the except return
> happens first and is then caught and the value over-written
>   2           0 SETUP_FINALLY           45 (to 48)
>               3 SETUP_EXCEPT            16 (to 22)
>   3           6 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (Exception)
>               9 LOAD_CONST               1 ('Exception raised during try')
>              12 CALL_FUNCTION            1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)
>              15 RAISE_VARARGS            1
>              18 POP_BLOCK
>              19 JUMP_FORWARD            22 (to 44)
>   4     >>   22 POP_TOP
>              23 POP_TOP
>              24 POP_TOP
>   5          25 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (print)
>              28 LOAD_CONST               2 ('Except after try')
>              31 CALL_FUNCTION            1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)
>              34 POP_TOP
>   6          35 LOAD_CONST               3 (True)
>              38 RETURN_VALUE
>              39 POP_EXCEPT
>              40 JUMP_FORWARD             1 (to 44)
>              43 END_FINALLY
>         >>   44 POP_BLOCK
>              45 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>   8     >>   48 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (print)
>              51 LOAD_CONST               4 ('Finally')
>              54 CALL_FUNCTION            1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)
>              57 POP_TOP
>   9          58 LOAD_CONST               5 (False)
>              61 RETURN_VALUE
>              62 END_FINALLY
>  10          63 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>              66 RETURN_VALUE
> -- 
> Terry Jan Reedy


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