On Sunday, February 23, 2014 2:43:14 AM UTC-6, twiz wrote:

> I'm sure this is a common question but I can't seem to find a previous thread 
> that addresses it.   If one one exists, please point me to it.

My personal preference for writing and testing python code is Gnu/Linux as a 
platform (free libre open easier to build from C sources etc). As an editor, VI 
of course.  Although, I can honestly say I've been using the latest GNU Emacs 
lately. It has a very nice python mode. I also use TextWrangler from time to 
time (can be extended with scripts and it has the same 'feel' as the IDLE 
editor (kind-of).

The main problem you will see with OSX (if you're not careful) is that IDLE 
will be unstable.  To be fair about it, its not IDLE's problem, per se.  Its 
about tcl/tk tkinter.  DO NOT use the built-in tcl that comes from Apple, nor 
the one that comes through the Apple store!  Actually go to the Active TCL site 
and download the version related to your system (yes there is a different one 
depending on 10.5 10.6 etc).

Py3.3.4 and the latest Active TCL are stable on OSX 10.6 or higher. I have been 
very pleased with IDLE on both Gnu/Linux and OSX ( I refuse to use Windows ever 
again, ever) and my latest experience has been fabulous, really.  My hat is off 
to the folks that have made IDLE the simple stable and powerful IDE that it is. 
I am being genuine about this.

Another reason for using Gnu/Linux (and/or OSX) is that generally they are 
faster.  Faster loading, and faster running.  Serious.  I have been hearing of 
(4) second import times for decimal, for instance. Its almost instantaneous on 
Gnu/Linux, or OSX.  Also, run times are considerably faster.  That has less to 
do with the Windows version of python, and more to do with the Windows version. 

If you want to extend your python code with C (as many of us do) well OSX 
and/or Gnu/Linux are your best bets there too, and frankly Gnu/Linux is the 
better of the two (from personal experience). OSX 10.6 uses the GNU gcc 
compiler by default, but the Apple idiosyncratic approach to builds can be 
annoying. Although, its minimal really (hardly worth mentioning). If you want 
to build python from sources (as many of us do) my personal opinion is also 
that Gnu/Linux is the way to go there too. 

I agree with most of the rest of the posts here that personal preference is at 
play primarily. Your editor run environment is going to be more important to 
you than your platform. There is one main difference to that, and it has to do 
with what you're used to.  In IDLE on Gnu/Linux the menu options are on the top 
of the IDE.  In OSX they are on the OSX tool bar at top left (where they are 
for every other OSX app). OSX guys don't mind this, but Gnu/Linux guys hate it 
(sometimes).  Also, the menu items on Gnu/Linux can be 'torn' off (its a tcl/tk 
tkinter thing) and on OSX that does not work. Also the 'Options' menu item on 
OSX has nothing in it. The Options menu is in Preferences in the IDLE drop down 
on the OSX tool bar.  Other than those things, I have spent many cheerful hours 
in the OSX IDLE editor and have been happy as a clam.  Same goes for the 
Gnu/Linux IDLE editor. 

If you want to use terminals on OSX you'll want to install  Quartz  and run the 
terminal on the emulated X environment.  It works better for python IMHO.  The 
built-in terminal for OSX need serious configuring (which is possible) because 
its color is bad, and its tiny by default, with a crummy font. All of that can 
be changed, but it just works better to use XQuartz.




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