On 3/11/2014 6:13 PM, John Gordon wrote:
In <mailman.8062.1394573210.18130.python-l...@python.org> Ethan Furman 
<et...@stoneleaf.us> writes:

          if missing:
              raise ValueError('invoices %r missing from batch' % missing)

It's been a while since I wrote test cases, but I recall using the assert*
methods (assertEqual, assertTrue, etc.) instead of raising exceptions.
Perhaps that's the issue?

Yes. I believe the methods all raise AssertionError on failure, and the test methods are wrapped with try:.. except AssertionError as err:

   if missing:
     raise ValueError('invoices %r missing from batch' % missing)

should be "assertEqual(missing, [], 'invoices missing from batch')" and if that fails, the non-empty list is printed along with the message.

Terry Jan Reedy


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