On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:04:40 AM UTC+5:30, Mark H. Harris wrote:
> On 3/25/14 12:27 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >>     my pdeclib constants extension will have alternate spellings for Π and 
> >> Γ
> >> and Δ and others...
> > That's good! (Although typing Π quicker than pi is majorly pushing it.

> Well, I'll tell ya, its exactly the same--- two key-strokes, believe it 
> or not.

> Because the character selector is up on the gui (for me, far left) and 
> the two strokes are {mouse click the Π } and {mouse click the insert}; 
> rather than {p} {i} .  There is of course a brief time-lag because my 
> right hand has to move the pointing device and my hand is off the 
> keyboard momentarily --  that is not a problem though, on my track pad 
> notebook.

You are not counting mouse
For an emacs user
Looking at mouse counts as 3  keystrokes
Touching is more like 5-8

vi is probably even more hardcore in that vi is more economical ergonomially


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