On 05/05/2014 05:39 PM, Satish Muthali wrote:
Hello experts,

I have a burning question on how to pass variable by reference in Python. I understand that the data type has to be mutable.

This gets confusing, but in fact the most accurate answer is that Python does not have "variables", so there is no such thing as passing "variables" by reference or any other method. Python *does* have names bound to values, but that's a very different thing. If necessary, you may consider that the *values* are passed by reference.

Your question is confused when it mentions "mutable" here -- that's something very different, And your question then goes on to end on an even more confused note with "I want to nuke ..." which seems to have nothing to do with passing values anywhere?

Sorry to be of so little help,
Gary Herron

For example, here's the issue I am running in to:

I am trying to extract the PostgreSQL DB version for example:

/pgVer = [s.split() for s in os.popen("psql --version").read().splitlines()]/
/    print pgVer[0]/
/    for i, var in enumerate(pgVer[0]):/
/   if i == len(pgVer[0]) - 1:/
/   pgversion = var/
I would now like to pass 'pgversion' (where the value of pgversion is 9.3.4) by reference, for example:

I want to nuke /var/lib/postgresql/9.3.4/main/data , however programatically I want it to be as: /var/lib/postgresql/*/<value of pgversion>/*/main/data

Any help is appreciated.



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