Hi All--

Let me state at the start that I am new to Python. I am moving away from 
Fortran and Matlab to Python and I use all different types of numerical and 
statistical recipes in my work. I have been reading about NumPy and SciPy and 
could not find any definitive answers to my questions, below.  I had run into 
many mostly installation problems that I could never get NumPy or SciPy to work 
with Python 3.3 or newer.  I am using Windows7 64 bit OS. 
A few questions:
1.      What are the latest versions of NumPy and SciPy that are compatible 
with Python 3.3 or newer and Windows7 64 bit? 
2.      What is the best source to download and install them on my computer?
3.      Are they all installable on my OS w/o any major problems/addition?
4.      In the long run, would it be better to use UNIX instead of Windows, if 
I were to use Python for all of my research?
Thanks in advance. EK

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