On 5/10/14 12:07 PM, esaw...@gmail.com wrote:
4.      In the long run, would it be better to use UNIX instead of Windows, if 
I were to use Python for all of my research?

I concur with Chris and Stefan. The *nix model is faster, cleaner, and more secure. I prefer gnu/linux, but mac os/x is also quite nice. Simply change... or, if you like, just switch.

I moved away from OS/2 and Windows in the late 1990s and have never looked back; no reason to use Windows what-so-ever.

You're question (in the long run) is important, to be fair. Because, in the short run there will be some learning curve, and there will be some conceptual porting as well as code porting to handle; not to mention apps. All critical apps from Windows, and most day-to-day apps have free libre counter-parts in the unix world, and most everyday apps have gnu counter parts and others. Just switch.

Proprietary code and systems will not survive the 21st century, you can be sure of that. 'We' can never allow another Microsoft to rule again; not google, nor canonical, nor oracle, nor anyone else. 'We' must have net neutrality, and software idea patents must die (world-wide).

Go gnu/linux

Go Python

Go away, Microsoft, go away Oracle.



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