On 5/11/2014 6:03 PM, Simon Evans wrote:
I have downloaded Beautiful Soup 3, I am using Python 2.7. I
understand from your message that I ought to use Python 2.6or Python
3.4 with Beautiful Soup 4,

I wrote "BeautifulSoup4 works with 2.6+ and 3.x.".
'2.6+' means 2.6 or 2.7. '3.x' should mean 3.1 to 3.4 but the range might start later. It does not matter because you should download and use 3.4 unless you *really* need to use something earlier. But also note that Windows has no problem with multiple version of python installed in different pythonxy directories.

One of the things 3.4 does for you is make sure that pip is installed. It is now the more or less 'official' python package installer. To install BS4, do what the authors recommend on their web page
and what I did: 'pip install beautifulsoup4' in a python34 directory. It took me less than a minute, far less that it took you to report that doing something else did not work.

Terry Jan Reedy


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