The version of Python the book seems to be referring to is 2.7, re: bottom of 
page 10-
'Pick the Path variable and add the following section to the Path variable: 
;C:\PythonXY for example C:\Python 27'

The version of Beautiful Soup seems to be Beautiful Soup 4 as at the top of 
page 12 it states:
'1.Download the latest tarball from'

I have downloaded and unzipped to a folder called 'Beautiful Soup' on the C 
drive the Beautiful Soup 4 version. I am using the Python 2.7 console and IDLE, 
I have removed the 3.4 version. 

All the same I seem to be having difficulties again as console wont accept the 
code it did when it was the previous version of BS that I used yesterday. I 
realise I would not be having this problem if I proceeded to input the 'Hello 
World' code on the Python console, but as said, the text never specifically 
said 'change to Python 2.7 console'. I thought the problem was with the BS 
version and so changed it, but now can't even get as far as I had before 
changing it. Anyhow be that as it may, this is the console response to my input:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Intel Atom>cd "c:\Beautiful Soup"

c:\Beautiful Soup>Beautiful Soup>c:\Python27\python install
'Beautiful' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

c:\Beautiful Soup>

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