On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 08:29:06 +1000, Tim Delaney wrote:

> On 11 June 2014 05:43, alister <alister.nospam.w...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
>> Your error reports always seem to resolve around benchmarks despite
>> speed not being one of Pythons prime objectives
> By his own admission, jmf doesn't use Python anymore. His only reason to
> remain on this emailing/newsgroup is to troll about the FSR. Please
> don't reply to him (and preferably add him to your killfile).

I couldn't kill file JMF I find his posts useful
Every time i find myself agreeing with him I know I have got it wrong.

The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it displays a
dialog box and lets you press 'OK' first.

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