On 08/04/2014 05:00 PM, Wiktor wrote:
first, thank you all for responses. I decided to just use single line frame
around menu. Yes, those double+single line corners work fine in ConEmu, but
I don't want this Python script to be dependent on external program. Maybe
one day it will be worth of showing to others, and it's silly to tell them
'It is pure console based game/framework but works only in ConEmu'...

   Now, to Terry's post:

   I'm not starting from scratch. I'm using packages 'termcolor', 'colorama'
and 'colorconsole' - they provide functions to print text at desired
position on screen, and change color of foreground/background of this text.

Thanks for pointing out these packages! Since you say you're using all three of them: where do colorama and colorconsole differ. From a quick look, I can see that termcolor is a bit different, but colorama and colorconsole seem pretty similar in scope.


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