On 2014-08-06, Wolfgang Keller <felip...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> > Because on such operating systems, each and every application is an
>> > entirely self-contained package that doesn't need any "packages" or
>> > "installers" to use it.
>> For people who have never used such a system it's probably difficult
>> to see the  advantages.
> That's the whole point.
> The problem is that the ones who "decide" (well, they pretend to, but
> actually can't, because they don't know the alternatives) are always
> people who are "not even clueless".

Ha!  I love it.  I presume that's an allusion to that-other-Wolfgang's
apocryphal "not even wrong" comment.  :)

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I want to mail a
                                  at               bronzed artichoke to
                              gmail.com            Nicaragua!

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