On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 22:38:12 +0100, Mark Lawrence
<breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

>On 31/08/2014 22:02, Seymore4Head wrote:
>> import math
>> import random
>> import sys
>> ex='Hey buddy get away from the car'
>> newex = ex.split()
>> sentence=""
>> print (newex)
>> wait = input ("          Wait")
>> def pigword(test):
>>      for x in range(len(test)):
>Please read up on how to use for loops as the above is usually a code smell.
>>          if test[x] in "AEIOUaeiou":
>>              stem = test [x:]
>>              prefix = test [:x]
>>              pigword = stem + prefix + "ay"
>>              print ("Stem ",stem)
>>              print ("Prefix",prefix)
>>              print (pigword)
>>              break
>>      return (pigword)
>This is Python so please get rid of those unnecessary brackets.  Having 

Having brackets must have been required in earlier versions maybe.  I
will give it a try without it.
Without this video, I don't think I would have been able to write any
of this code yet.
I was watching her thinking, that would be really useful for the
piglatin example:
51 min

>done that assume that you have an empty test so your loop never gets 
>entered, the local pigword never gets assigned before the return hence 
>your UnboundLocalError.
>> for x in range(len(newex)):
>>      sentence = sentence + pigword(newex[x])+ " "
>>      print (sentence)
>>      wait = input ("          Wait")
>> The program seems to work and it does work with everything I have
>> tried so far.  The one exception is if you change "the" to "my" (in
>> the first line) the program crashes.
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>    File "C:\Documents and
>> Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Functions\test.py", line 25, in
>> <module>
>>      sentence = sentence + pigword(newex[x])+ " "
>>    File "C:\Documents and
>> Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Functions\test.py", line 22, in pigword
>>      return (pigword)
>> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pigword' referenced before
>> assignment

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