On Mon, 01 Sep 2014 00:21:14 +0100, Mark Lawrence
<breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

>On 31/08/2014 23:42, Seymore4Head wrote:
>> On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 22:38:12 +0100, Mark Lawrence
>> Unnecessary brackets?
>> I tried deleting the brackets and that doesn't seem to work.  I tried
>> changing the brackets to parenthesizes and that didn't work.  Although
>> I would prefer brackets to parenthesizes as you don't need shift to
>> type them.
>>>>               pigword = stem + prefix + "ay"
>>>>               print ("Stem ",stem)
>>>>               print ("Prefix",prefix)
>>>>               print (pigword)
>>>>               break
>>>>       return (pigword)
>These            ^       ^

Those are parenthesis :P
But not having to use them is a time saver.

>>> This is Python so please get rid of those unnecessary brackets.  Having
>>> done that assume that you have an empty test so your loop never gets
>>> entered, the local pigword never gets assigned before the return hence
>>> your UnboundLocalError.

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