On 08/31/2014 07:54 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:
Since I don't ever expect to be able to type them without thinking
about them, a standard keyboard could come with half sized keys on the

While this is definitely OT, I strongly suggest you take the time to learn to touch-type. (Actually, I would recommend it for everyone.) It's true that it will take time, effort, practice and diligence, especially time and practice, but if you do make the effort you'll never regret it.

Eventually you'll find that you think (or read) a word, your fingers will wiggle a little bit and that word suddenly appears on screen. It's an _*EXTREMELY*_ useful ability -- well worth the time and effort.

I was able to take it as a summer class in high school some 60+ years ago (I'm old ;-) ), and I've always been very glad that I did. (Even though I'm still not highly accurate and fairly frequently make typos, it's still much better than hunt-and-peck typing.) I definitely suggest it is well worth learning.

     -=- Larry -=-


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