On Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:25:28 +0200, giacomo boffi <pec...@pascolo.net>

>Rustom Mody <rustompm...@gmail.com> writes:
>> [As best as I can make out the OP is not using the standalone
>> interpreter
>> nor idle
>> nor (the many options like) python-interpreter-inside-emacs
>> nor ipython
>> nor ...
>but CodeSkulptor <http://www.codeskulptor.org/>]
>CodeSkulptor has been mentioned recently by S4H, and he had explained
>why he uses CodeSkulptor, but I cannot remember anything of the explanation...

They are using it in the online course I am taking
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python

It is clumsy and it is not compatible with Python3, but it is free.  3
more weeks.

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