On 11/04/2014 11:01 AM, Roberto Martínez wrote:
Yikes, I didn't realize the difference in inheritance.

The thing with this is tricky. I need the change in the instance, not in the 
class, because I have multiple instances
and all of them must have different implementations of __call__.

The workaround of calling a different method inside __call__ is not valid for 
my case because I want to change the
*signature* of the function also -for introspection reasons.

If you really absolutely positively have to have the signature be correct for each instance, you may to either look at a function creating factory, a class creating factory, or a meta-class. The first option may work if you don't need an actual class, both of the last two options will be creating different classes, probably with one instance each (unless you have several instances which could share the same __call__).


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