On 2014-12-11, Docfxit <docf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am happy to paste it into a post.  The reason I didn't is because
> it's very large.  The Python script is 1239 lines long.  The example
> summary is 105 lines long.  The input log is 6810 lines long.
> Are you sure you want me to post all of that here?  Or would you
> like me to post it on a pastebin?

You're going to need to create a _short_ example program that
demonstrates the problem you're asking about.  It needs to be included
in your post and fit in _one_ screen full.  A few people will look at
longer examples, but your chances of the right person seeing it and
figuring out your problem before their internal timer (or the one on
the microwave) goes "ding!"  drop precipitously as it gets longer.
Your chances approach 0 pretty fast if it requires following a URL to
some site full of malware[1].

[1] Yes, all sites are full of malware.


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