On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 05:19:44 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:

> On 2014-12-11, Docfxit <docf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am happy to paste it into a post.  The reason I didn't is because
>> it's very large.  The Python script is 1239 lines long.  The example
>> summary is 105 lines long.  The input log is 6810 lines long.
>> Are you sure you want me to post all of that here?  Or would you like
>> me to post it on a pastebin?
> You're going to need to create a _short_ example program that
> demonstrates the problem you're asking about.  It needs to be included
> in your post and fit in _one_ screen full.  A few people will look at
> longer examples, but your chances of the right person seeing it and
> figuring out your problem before their internal timer (or the one on the
> microwave) goes "ding!"  drop precipitously as it gets longer. Your
> chances approach 0 pretty fast if it requires following a URL to some
> site full of malware[1].
> [1] Yes, all sites are full of malware.

Also creating the shorter example will often reveal the subtle bug or 
design flaw that you are currently overlooking.
this is a good start towards diagnosing your own issue (& then of course 
people here will help if you are still having the problem)

You're too beautiful to ignore.  Too much woman.
                -- Kirk to Yeoman Rand, "The Enemy Within", stardate 

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