On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 7:13 PM, Jacob Kruger <ja...@blindza.co.za> wrote:
> However, if implement similar code - down to just trying to open a
> connection, wait a few seconds, and then close it again, inside a function
> called from a prior function, in the class am implementing in a file
> called/executed from command line, then, the moment I try to close the
> connection, whether or not have done anything with it, that's when I get
> that python.exe has stopped working/responding error message popping up, and
> python bombs out.

You've posted your working versions; can you post a non-working version?

Also, I'm seeing a very small hint here that might indicate a huge
factor that you haven't mentioned. You speak of "compiling" your
Python code. Do you mean you're turning it into an exe file? If so,
with which tool? Does the code still have problems if you run the
actual Python file?


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