On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Jacob Kruger <ja...@blindza.co.za> wrote:
> Tried generating .exe with both cx_freeze, and pyInstaller, and the code
> itself, and both versions of executable generate errors, same as running it
> from command line - only difference is the source of the error mentioned in
> error message then varies from a2m.exe and python.exe , and even if compile
> it on machine where all works, and then copy .exe back to this primary
> machine, then get same error - think it must relate to something else on
> this machine, but can't track it down.

Okay. Ignore the .exe versions, and just work with what happens when
you run the .py files. If it fails as part of a .py file, post the
failing file.


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