Steven D'Aprano <> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > Freedom of expression entails an obligation on the state to not
> > quash anyone's expression. It does not affect anyone who is not the
> > state; it imposes no obligation on the PSF.
> By this reasoning, you would be perfectly comfortable with a state of
> affairs where a media monopoly […]

What in the above makes you think I'd be at all comfortable with a media

Not so. Rather, my objection to monopolisation of media is rooted in
concerns other than freedom of expression.

Or, in the terms I used above: It is not freedom of expression which
imposes the obligation to avoid monopolisation of media.

 \     “Oh, I realize it's a penny here and a penny there, but look at |
  `\      me: I've worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme |
_o__)                                          poverty.” —Groucho Marx |
Ben Finney


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