On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:58 PM, Jonas Wielicki <jo...@wielicki.name> wrote:
> On 01.03.2015 03:43, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> Imagine if all
>> your Python code ran twice as fast (that's slightly better than the
>> IronPython figure quoted!), but worked only on BSD Unix and Mac OS. Is
>> that something that'll make a fledgling language succeed?
> I heard that Swift and Objective-C are quite popular these days.
> regards,
> jwi

In other words, it requires major pushing from the platform vendor.
It'd be impossible for some third-party to make a language that
successful, I expect. And even *with* that kind of pushing, it's
pretty chancy; there was a time (maybe times, I don't remember) when
Microsoft tried hard to require "managed code" everywhere (aka ".NET
runtime only"), and the push-back was so strong that they had to
abandon the requirement. But somehow, people accept rules about phone
apps that they wouldn't accept about desktop apps... crazy stuff.


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