On 03/11/2015 11:30 AM, Michael Parchet wrote:
> Hello,
> Only one file of pyside project has update at 10 fob,
> What's your opinion
> Pyside is ded ?

Qt 4 is very stable, with no new features.  PySide works very well for
me, and the few bugs/limitations that I know of can be worked around
quite easily, and it's trivial to maintain direct compatibility with
PyQt, so PyQt can always be a good fallback (remember PyQt is a
commercial product, so you must buy a license if you want to use it
under anything other than the GPL).

My biggest complaint with PySide is that for historical reasons (looking
at you, PyQt), it does not use pep8 naming conventions, which makes for
some really ugly function and method names.

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