Hypothesis is a Python library for turning unit tests into generative tests,
covering a far wider range of cases than you can manually. Rather than just
testing for the things you already know about, Hypothesis goes out and
actively hunts for bugs in your code. It usually finds them, and when it
does it gives you simple and easy to read examples to demonstrate.

Hypothesis is based on Quickcheck (
https://wiki.haskell.org/Introduction_to_QuickCheck2) but is designed to
have a naturally Pythonic API and integrate well with Python testing

It's easy to use, extremely solid, and probably more devious than you
are at finding
edge cases.

The 1.0 release of Hypothesis has a stable and well documented public API.
It's more than ready for you to use and it's easy to get started.

Full documentation is available at
http://hypothesis.readthedocs.org/en/latest/, or if you prefer you can skip
straight to the quick start guide:

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