On 3/30/2015 4:46 PM, David MacIver wrote:
On 30 March 2015 at 22:37, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu
<mailto:tjre...@udel.edu>> wrote:

    proposes the addition of a 'typing' module for defining types beyond
    the builtins and ABCs, such as List(int), Union(tuple, list).  If
    and when it is accepted and added (maybe 3.5, maybe later), you
    should consider having Hypothesis accept the notations that it can
    work with.

Yes, definitely. Having something like that as standard would be great
for Hypothesis and I intend to support it once it becomes available.

I just posted "PEP 484: Generating test inputs from type hints" to python-ideas list.

(It will force me to finally figure out how to do staged APIs, with some
versions of the API only supported on some versions of python, but I
need to do that anyway. This might involve just shipping a compatibility
layer for previous versions of Python in with Hypothesis)

I believe Guido intends that typing.py should be available on PyPI for use with current versions.

        Full documentation is available at
        you can
        skip straight to the quick start guide:

Terry Jan Reedy


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