On 03/28/2015 11:43 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Mar 2015 08:53 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> It saves typing. It might even allow a micro-optimization in the generated
>> bytecode (see below). 
> Oops, I forgot to include the "see below" bit.
> Comparing 
> a = a.spam()
> a .= spam()
> the Python compiler could perhaps optimize the second form and avoid needing
> two references to "a" (once for the attribute lookup, once for the
> binding). That's not very exciting when it comes to a simple expression
> like the above, but consider:
> a[b][c].d.e[f].g = a[b][c].d.e[f].g.spam()
> *If* that could be optimized, and I'm not certain it can be, that would be
> an argument in favour of the proposal.

I don't understand why you should doubt this. The optimisation is just
the sames as with augmented operators.

tmp = a[b][c].d.e[f]
tmp.g = tmp.g.spam() 


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