Am 15.05.15 um 05:58 schrieb Skybuck Flying:
Thanks for the ideas, I haven't tried them yet.

I wonder if they will work in a multi-threaded fashion.

I doubt it.

The run_script runs in it's own thread.

It would be of enormous help if you would create a minimal script just like the above for your situation. What does it mean, runs in a thread? How do you achieve that from Jython?

The exception would have to be raise from another thread. (The other
thread check for errors and needs to abort the run script).

Well usually you can pass messages between the threads, wait for termination etc. I've got no experience with threading in Jython; however this site
suggests that there is a large number of primitives available to do that.

Concerning "Resume", what do you expect: A) starting afresh from the beginning or B) continue the execution at the point where the exception was thrown? Because A) is/should be easy, B) could be impossible



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