On 05/15/2015 06:04 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

C:\Users\Mark\Documents\MyPython>pip install --no-cache-dir
--trusted-host http://www.lfd.uci.edu/ -U -f
http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ numba
Collecting numba
   This repository located at www.lfd.uci.edu is not a trusted host, if
this repository is available via HTTPS it is recommend to use HTTPS
instead, otherwise you may silence this warning with '--trusted-host
   DEPRECATION: Implicitly allowing locations which are not hosted at a
secure origin is deprecated and will require the use of --trusted-host
in the future.
   Downloading numba-0.18.2.tar.gz (507kB)
     100% |################################| 507kB 373kB/s

I particularly like how, when you specify --trusted-host, you still get all the warnings to use --trusted-host... not.


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