webmas...@python.org just got some mail from some poor embarrased
soul who ran this program and broke their Python install.

They are running Mac OSX 10.7.5

They are getting:

     Utility has encountered a fatal error, and will now terminate.  A
     Python runtime could not be located. You may need to install a
     framework build of Python or edit the PyRuntimeLocations array in this
     applications info.plist file.  Then there are two oblong circles. One
     says Open Console. The other says Terminate.

So https://docs.python.org/2/using/mac.html says:

   The Apple-provided build of Python is installed in
   /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework and /usr/bin/python,
   respectively. You should never modify or delete these, as they are
   Apple-controlled and are used by Apple- or third-party software.

So, I assume this poor soul has done precisely that.

What do I tell her to do now?



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