On 04Jun2015 20:23, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 06/04/2015 05:04 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 04Jun2015 13:09, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Why not use Python for what it's good for and say pipe the results of
find into your python script?  Reinventing find poorly isn't going to
buy you anything.

And several others made similar disparaging remarks. I think you're all missing
some of the point of Cecil's approach.

I take your point.  However I was not intending to make a disparaging
remark and certainly didn't expect my post to be taken that way.

And I should apologise for suggesting you were being disparaging to Cecil as such. I simply felt that these comments (don't bother reinventing the wheel, in various forms) gave a discouraging tone.

been down this road before (doing shell scripting things in Python), and
it works pretty well for many things.  Was just sharing my experience is
I don't mean to discourage exploration for exploration's sake.  By all
means have fun. Python certainly is a fun language.


Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

Gabriel Genellina: See PEP 234 http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0234/
Angus Rodgers:
 You've got to love a language whose documentation contains sentences
 beginning like this:
   "Among its chief virtues are the following four -- no, five -- no,
   six -- points: [...]"
from python-list@python.org

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